let's play, Motherhood

After-school schedule: Yay or nay?

Every year towards the end of August, I feel the dire need to organise, to sort myself out, mentally and physically. You see, September is my January. That time of year when I make some much-needed life adjustments/resolutions that simply work wonders for a highly-stressful individual such as myself who thrives on a rigid and specific routine. This year I’m thinking of implementing an afternoon one for Georgie. What do you think? Do your kids have after-school schedules?

I should probably specify that I am not talking about a packed afternoon of activities and lessons. I am merely referring to a routine much like bedtime and morning routines, which many parents swear by.

I’ve done some research on after-school schedules and have a feeling an after-school routine would be good for Georgie. Because after all, we talk about babies and toddlers and kids in general thriving on bedtime and morning routines and other scheduled events throughout the day so why not?

Here are a few models I’ve come across that I liked. I plan on mixing and matching to create an schedule that will work for us and our daily routine.

As you can see there are different templates and models from which you can chose based on your child’s age and your requirements. For Georgie, who is six and a half, I know that one with time restrictions and exact instructions would work best. I’ll probably combine the first three and come up with a schedule that we’ll both be happy with.

So what do you think? Do your kids have a specific daily schedule? Or a routine that you both enjoy? let me know. x



Some links on why routines are important for kids… and adults too:

Hands on As We Grow

Aha Parenting

Also a really cool article called The psychology of Daily Routine: 7 reasons why people who do the same things each day tend to be happier 


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