
Four gifts // want-need-wear-read

As a mother, I have a love/hate relationship with gift giving during the holiday season. While I appreciate friends and family showing their love for Georgie, I don’t appreciate the limitless chaos that normally takes place. That’s why, for the last three years, we have a new tradition when it comes to Christmas shopping. The Four Gifts advice or rule if you will, is one of my favourites and one that has been successfully applied when planning Georgie’s gifts.

So it goes like this:

Something they want: i think its safe to assume that most young kids want toys or some sort of play thing. as for the rest, anything goes. when it comes to something they want, honestly, your budget is the limit.

Something they need: this is a tough one. obviously they could need something to wear, right? but the idea here is to get them something useful. a friend mentioned she would be buying her son a reading lamp while another mentioned a cool coat hanger. Other ideas include some sort of furniture like a table, armchair or beanbag, stool or bookcase, art supplies, an umbrella or a cooking apron. older kids may prefer cash which can be put in a savings account for when they need it.

Something to wear: since starting this tradition in our home, Georgie’ something to wear has been shoes. other options include a nice jacket or coat, a box of socks and underpants (for younger kids so make sure there are superheroes or princesses involved), a pair of jeans, a hat or even a watch (for older kids).

Something to read: books of course or comics. Even a magazine subscription would work for older kids.

With older kids, you can hand them a piece of paper with the four somethings written down and have them fill it out.


We’ve saved money and time by sticking to the want-need-wear-read tradition. What are your rules/traditions/advice on limiting gifts the holiday season?

FYI: Georgie’s first Christmas seems so long ago.



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