Motherhood, style and beauty

Kiddie clothes shop: Cissy Wears

Next time you’re in London make sure you look up this cool concept store. Cissy Wears boasts a range of ultra modern and high quality clothes and other beautifully designed products. Such as toys and gifts, books, homeware and even clothes for grown ups and other goodies you won’t be able to resist.

cissy wears

cissy wears

cissy wears

cissy wears

cissy wearscissy wears

cissy wears

cissy wears

cissy wears


cissy wears

Cissy Wears carries some of the best kids’ clothes brands like Mini Rodini, Bobo Choses, NUNUNU which I have personally tried on Georgie and loved their longevity. And I know I said to check this place out next time you’re in London but guess what? You can order online too.


Feature image of store taken from Maternity Leave. 


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