
New baby: The stuff I really use

There’s so much information out there, so many different products and gadgets, it’s no wonder new mums can get lost when it comes to buying stuff for their new baby. As a second-time mummy I thought it would be a good idea to list what I really use with James. The basics, no fuss, no muss.

1. Sleep base: Both Georgie and James have slept in a moses basket as babies. Georgie up until six months. Obviously we have a cot but it’s one of those big ones that turns into a little bed when the bars come off. So it’s not portable like a moses basket which I can take with me into the living room when its not next to our bed where I have easy access to it at night. I know many parents who have said that they found no use for it but depending on your living and sleeping arrangements a moses basket can be very handy.

2. Breast pump: Assuming of course that you are planning on breastfeeding a pump can make life so much easier. Especially during the first few days when your milk comes in and your breasts are swollen, hard and painful. You need to get the milk out! With James I pump in the morning when I feel my milk is more, store it in the fridge and give a bottle to him before bedtime because I wanted him to get used to feeding from a bottle. Georgie hated it and it made leaving him for a few hours with papa and his yiayia very hard. Pumping and saving in the freezer is also something I like to do because you never know when you’ll need a night or day off. I use the Pump and Save Medela bags.

georgie's mummy3. Changing station: Obviously you can use the sofa or the kitchen table if you purchase one of those soft changing mats which is what I do when I am downstairs in the living room during the day with James. For all the baby necessities I bought one of these trolleys from IKEA. But upstairs right next to his moses basket and our bed we’ve placed one of these IKEA changing tables and I love it. I keep everything I need like nappies, wipes, creams, etc in baskets on the bottom shelf and my sanity is intact.

4. Entertainment: Once babies are a little older like two months old, they stay awake a bit longer. And while its totally ok to put a colourful teddy in front of them to stare at, unless your baby is super chilled I have found that you need a little something more than that. Like a rocker or a swing or an activity mat with a mobile. James loves this one from Mothercare which is what I use when I need to get stuff done around the house. Georgie had a swing because he was extra colicky and it was perfect for helping him to chill and eventually fall asleep.

georgie's ,mummy5. Sleeping bag: James is currently using Georgie’s old sleeping bag which I swear by. When you place a baby in a sleeping bag you don’t have to worry about them kicking off their blankets or bed sheets. It keeps them warm and cosy and is a lifesaver as far as I’m concerned. With Georgie we used it all through his first year and then some.

6. White noise or music: Babies love white noise. It helps them to settle and it drowns out any outside noise that may wake up a light sleeper. Try lullabies which is what Georgie loved or white noise such as water, waves or even a fan or a/c unit which is what James likes. You can download apps or connect your phone to a set of speakers. Don’t worry about it being too loud, they love it that way.

7. Baby monitor: Even if you live in a one-bedroom flat, having a baby monitor will give you peace of mind and allow you to get on with your life without constantly checking on bubs and risking waking them up everytime you enter the room. Purchase one with a video monitor so you know exactly what is going on if you’re extra anxious like me.

8. Muslim cloths: I love these and have them everywhere. They’re soft enough to wipe baby’s face after a spit up and are the perfect thing to drape on your shoulder when that dreaded spit up does eventually come. I use them to cover him too or lay him down on a sofa or armchair.

9. Baby bathtub: You could purchase one of those bath cushions to free your hands but I’ve found that a baby bathtub is all you really need during the first five to six months. After that babies can sit up unassisted so you move on to a bath seat.

10. A sling or carrier: Obviously you need a pram too but a baby sling or carrier is a must. It makes life easier in so many ways. You can calm a screaming baby who wants to be held all the time and get on with the housework or even shopping. It frees your hands up and as a second-time mummy running after a five-year old I find it to be absolutely essential.

georgie's mummy



Did I miss anything major? What did you or do you swear by during the first months of your baby’s life?

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