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     When Georgie started eating healthier snacks, I felt a huge weight was lifted. I have always tried to give him the best, which, to me, means homemade and organic. Yet some days I feel all he’s eaten is biscuits, cornflakes and bread. But when I started taking pictures of products I use on a daily basis, I gave myself a pat on the back. Here are a couple taken through Instagram.     Berry yoghurt.   He absolutely loves tomatoes and cheese.      My little dude tried some hummus for the first time and just wouldn’t stop. I’m not a huge fan hence begin so late introducing him to it.     At least he’s eating, I tell myself…x

home and design, let's play

things are getting a little crazy…

This past week I have come so close to going crazy, I swear it’s not even funny. Last night I couldn’t sleep(never happens to me!) and yesterday I was convinced my favorite maxi dress was washed, ironed and ready to be worn, when in fact it was so deep in the laundry basket I worried I wouldn’t be able to get rid of the creases. I had turned my wardrobe upside down, which meant that i was left sans maxi dress and a whole lotta mess. The reason for my recent state of mind is the house we are building. Oh my! Have you ever attempted to renovate or build from scratch? If you have then you understand. This is my dream home I keep telling those who say I should enjoy the adventure. It’s no time for adventures. I need to get it 1000% right! Everything needs to be perfect. I want to look at it everyday and marvel. But how do I really know what is perfect? I see something. i like it. easy, right? not when you have a million choices and happen to like a lot of things. This-liking a lot of stuff- is my main problem, my friend believes. I should narrow down what i like. Still, deciding on what color I want my house to be, what tiles go in the bathroom, if I want a wooden staircase or a marble one or what type of wood i prefer in my walk-in-wardrobe (oh yes!) or choosing between a classic or modern touch is just too much for me. I know there are people with serious problems out there but this house is costing a lot of money and I need to be careful when making thousands of euros worth of choices. This is it. We’re nearing the finish line and finally able to give Georgie a beautiful home with a garden and decisions need to be made.


yummy time…with no meat!

Anyone who lives in Cyprus or celebrates Easter the way we do will understand my need for a non-meat dish after the thousands of kilos of lamb, pork and beef we’ve all consumed over the past few days. for years I didn’t eat red meat. wouldn’t touch the stuff with a barge pole. then all of a sudden- i can’t actually pinpoint the moment- I loved it! Couldn’t get enough and still can’t. however i have limited my intake somewhat mainly due to my obsession with organic meat and the lack of it here in Cyprus. you can get mincemeat and pork chops from very few selected health food stores but even then the price tag is so terrifying you wish you never saw it in the first place.So this dish is a favourite in our house. Green beans, potatoes, onion, fresh tomatoes and a bit of tomato juice all boiling away for about half an hour, produce this tasty and healthy meal. you can add chicken or even beef cubes. This was another healthy meal I rustled up yesterday. Asparagus, peppers, tomatoes with lots of olive oil and some cheese, oven baked! Bread was accompanied by a fish pate. Tuna, parsley, olive oil, pepper, garlic, horseradish, lemon, onion and cream were all put in a blender. Ta da! You can get the recipe off Jamie Oliver’s 30 minute meals.Of course asparagus is just as good tossed with loads of olive oil, pepper and salt and popped in the oven. I added boiled potatoes later on and let it sit in the oven until they were nice and crunchy. And since we’re on the subject of non meat, here’s Georgie munching away on one of the healthiest snacks.Been meaning to mention this amazing homemade crunchy peanut butter that has come in handy when mummy needs energy but hasn’t got the time. Plus it’s so pretty, it puts a spring in my step.Everything minus the crunchy peanut butter are foods Georgie loves and is able to eat without the spoon fed requirement.

Food, let's play

yummy time

I promised myself i wouldn’t give in to all that baby talk and ridiculous words some people come up with when talking to kids – especially here in Cyprus- but when we’re on the subject of food none other than yummy sounds appropriate.

Anyway, Georgie doesn’t like long meals. Like most kids his age he thrives on snacks. I remember losing my patience when he wouldn’t sit down to eat his lunch after three to four hours of having breakfast. Just let him be, my pediatrician said. Offer it to him later and he’ll probably eat it. Oh my how she was right. So basically what we do now is offer him something to eat every two hours. it could be a biscuit or spaghetti bolognese. Whatever it is he’ll usually eat it if he isn’t pressured and i’m not about to lose my mind.


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