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a little boy and his tractor

It’s almost been a year since Georgie received his first motor vehicle. This tractor is his favourite toy, hands down. There are so many videos of him driving it all over the house, I decided it was time to make a compilation. This is a little boy and his tractor.

let's play

broom! broom!

    I asked Georgie what he wanted for Christmas a month ago and up until the day, the answer was always: Tachter! He has a slight obsession with this farming vehicle no doubt brought on by his grandfather’s mini digger and his dad’s race car and their own obsessions with four-wheeled goodies. A week ago he even said ‘ellow’ as in yellow! A yellow and green super monster tractor was just what he got from his grandparents who probably didn’t consider their daughter-in-law would take on the role of chauffeur! I laughed my head off and can’t wait to move into our gorgeous home equipped with a big garden for tractor racing!


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