image of child playing with colourful toys
let's play, Motherhood

5 ideas to teach kids about responsibility

Bringing up children isn’t easy, kids don’t naturally always make the right choices, and so they often need a little education. If you want to teach your children about responsibility, there are lots of simple ways that you can do this.

1 . Tidying their space

If you want to teach your kids about the responsibility you should ask them to keep their room clean. Show them how to put their toys away, (if they are little kids you can make this activity into a fun game).

Even toddlers can learn how to clean up their toys, and learn why this is important. Explain to your kids that unless they clean up, their toys might get stepped on or broken. Talk to them about cleanliness and having respect for the nice things they have. Simple actions like tidying away their toys will teach them about responsibility.

2 . Get a family pet

Getting a family pet is a fantastic way to teach your kids about responsibility. Dog’s are a great companion for kids, (so long as you choose the right breed). You can let your kids help you to walk the dog, feed the dog, and groom them. It’s important to set rules so that your children know how to play with the dog safely.

Before you bring a dog home you’ll need to get yourself organized. Dog’s need plenty of supplies whether it’s a grooming kit, a dog bed or a dog harness. To find some great dog supplies, take a look at Dog Friendly Co.

3. Let them help with cooking

To teach your children great values, why not let them help with the cooking? You can give them an easy and safe task to do, or show them how to prepare their own snacks. There are plenty of easy recipes that you’ll be able to make with your kids. At the same time, you can teach your kids about nutrition and healthy foods. If you have a garden space you can show your children how to grow fruits and vegetables. It’s a great way to teach them about sustainability and taking care of the earth.

4. Encourage them to give back

One of the best ways to teach your kids about responsibility is to encourage them to give back to others. Perhaps your child’s school is involved in charitable causes? If so, help your children to get involved. Look for opportunities to help people in your community, and take your kids along with you. Teaching your kids about responsibility can help them to become more empathetic individuals.

5. Rules & consequences 

To help your kids learn, there should be consequences for breaking the rules. For example, if your kids don’t do their homework, the consequence might be no TV. By establishing consequences you can help your kids to make progress, and make the right choices on their own.

Simple ideas like these can help you to bring up caring and empathetic children. There are lots of ways to teach your children good values. With tips like these you’ll keep your kids healthy and happy.



This is a contributed post. 


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