The past three days have been a lesson to me. DON’T LEAVE YOUR CHILD …ever. Actually I’m only joking…well, kind of. You see, I’m sure my little dude is feeling a little low. He seems to whine about everything and has also learnt how to stomp his feet. I don’t even think it’s something he’s learnt; it looks natural when he does it but boy, does it piss me off. Seriously. He’s not his usual happy self. Perhaps he is reacting to the separation. I certainly am; being extra patient and allowing him to hoover anytime he feels like it.
I’ve been making smoothies and wearing dresses, taking my baby for an afternoon ride to the beach and walking barefoot. But his behavior still bothers me. I fear we have entered the tantrum stage. And I know I need to nip it in the bud but how, especially when you have those eyes looking right at you?!
let's play