
all I want for Christmas

DSC_0239I knew papa would like the gift I had chosen to get him for Christmas. It was a little something he would definitely enjoy. This year, I began shopping for gifts earlier than usual. When I clicked the BUY icon, I praised myself for planning ahead, not leaving this important part of christmas to the last minute. My final decisions were made with extra thought. When the package arrived however, I was puzzled. I don’t remember buying The Audrey Hepburn collection. Shit. Incorrect item.

Later on that night, while I was obsessing over the seller’s no-reply attitude, I was given a little perspective. Papa, it turned out, would need urgent surgery. Not the life-threatening type, like the one we went through with my dad last year, but surgery nonetheless. It was a slap to the face. There were some whispers about a minor incision but merely an inkling in the back of our minds. We even braved the idea of leaving Georgie for a week, while we flew to Paris for New Year’s. Tickets booked, accomodation all sorted. We were in desperate need of a trip and a change of scenery.

And just like that none of it mattered. Plans for parties, table decorations, second and third gifts, wrapping paper and the position of the tree, just seemed embarrassingly silly. And while I know I will always be the type of person who likes to plan ahead and throw dinner parties, I don’t need to stress about gift-shopping and I don’t need a change of scenery and an expensive trip. My family is in pain and right now all I need is love. I am so grateful I have exactly that in my life. What I feel is love, has got me through today with little gestures, alot of moral help and much support. Man, honestly, all I want for Christmas is to catch a break…with my family.

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