On Friday afternoon my mum and I were taking our usual post-lunch walk through Ikea in search for an 8 euro clothes rail. Georgie, as usual again, was standing in the shopping cart watching the world go by. Five minutes later i heard a thump- a noise I will NEVER forget. A noise so disturbing every time I think of it I feel sick. He had fallen on his head and in a matter of seconds his eye was swollen shut.
You hear about these things happening all the time. kids falling on their head, breaking arms, legs but until it happens to you, until you are sobbing with a screaming baby in your arms in a hospital with doctors pulling him around, restraining his limbs, fear striking him down, you really don’t know how it feels. We spent the night in hospital. We were advised to stay and allow him to be regularly checked for 24 hours. Falling onto your head is risky business. But my boy, as usual, proved that it sometimes isn’t. he played in the corridors with paper airplanes and took strolls through the hospital corridors with my purse and coins handy for those soft drink machines.
We were set free the very next morning…with a slightly blacker eye and a big smile. Sort of.
Notes: The weekend didn’t get any better. Our little market adventure was cut short by a storm! But I did manage to get a few good shots. More tomorrow.