Tano is like a child to us. Before Georgie, he would sleep with us in bed. And i don’t mean at the bottom of the bed, curled in a corner. No. Tano used to sleep with his head on my pillow! He would stretch his body out and lay his head down. If only someone was there to take a picture of the three of us. So when I found out I was pregnant, one of my first thoughts was how Tano would deal with it…and more importantly how WE would deal with it. Having both the baby and the dog in bed wasn’t an option for us so when I was around 6 months we began training Tano to sleep in a basket in the living room. The first few nights were torture. He would scratch at the door for HOURS! He just couldn’t understand why I wouldn’t let him in. Oh my heart! I was tough though and that probably was the reason he ‘got it’ within three nights. When Georgie came along, he didn’t really seem to care. He was allowed to sniff and lick his little hands, which he only did about twice. no connection was forming at least not until Georgie started crawling. Since then Tano has become his best friend. With every passing day I notice Georgie becoming affectionate with Tano even running to show him something and ‘talking’ to him. I’m quite proud I’ve given my baby such a strong beginning in a little thing called friendship.
let's play