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georgie's mummy


Helping your child succeed at school

All parents and guardians want their child to succeed at school and achieve their potential. As your child makes their way through nursery, primary and secondary school, the role you play will be integral to their achievements. If you’re eager to support your child throughout their education, take a look at these top ways to provide the help they need. 

Motherhood, Travel

Amazing travel tips that will help you to have the best time with your kids

If you have kids, then you will want them to have the best time whenever you go on vacation. This is understandable, but if you want this to be the case, then you need to take a few steps to ensure their complete comfort at all times.

image of a woman's hand holding a cup of ginger tea
Motherhood, on our island

During lockdown

It feels like a lovely and proper winter’s late afternoon as I sit on my veranda with a cup of freshly grated ginger tea and my laptop, taking in the natural sound of the outdoors as opposed to my kids screaming and arguing. I’ve been locked up with them for a month.

let's play

Rediscovering Inspector Morse during lockdown life

When you have to spend your time at home, you explore the old games and DVDs you haven’t used in years. And there, suddenly, forgotten at the back of the shelves, you stumble upon an old DVD box of the Inspector Morse. The iconic TV series from the 1990s has aged in places, but there’s a timeless quality to John Thaw’s interpretation of Morse. Morse on paper sounds harsh, grumpy, and like an unbearable know-it-all. But Thaw has given the eternal bachelor a touching grace. And while you laugh at the fashion or the desperate attempts that Morse makes to chat up women, there’s something inspiring about his life. And, perhaps, just for a moment, you can turn to Inspector E. Morse for tips on how to make your lifestyle feel a little sophisticated. After all, Morse is a man of taste. So what can we learn from him? 

kids watching movie in a fort of blankets
Cyprus, let's play, Motherhood, Wellness

A new family reality – Ways to survive lockdown with kids

So here we are, smack bang in the middle of a pandemic and many of us on lockdown. There’s fear and panic in the air and uncertainty that has us all freaked out. Schools have closed as I’m sure everything else will too at some point in the very near future.  And so, many of us have found ourselves at home with the kids more than we’re used to, some of us are homeschooling, others are trying to work from home and all of us just want to make it until bedtime. With the help of my readers and social media I’ve put together a quick post on how to keep the kids busy so you can get some shit done, reminders to take care of ourselves and things to do as a family.


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