I promised myself at the beginning of this series that if something works for me – as in did it bring positivity into my life?- I will write about it and hopefully inspire you to do the same. Sometimes the smallest actions can have the biggest impact on the way we feel. Like drinking water, going to bed early and meeting an old friend you haven’t seen in ages.
georgie's mummy
I have had to keep this a secret for so long I am practically bursting to tell you all about the absolutely fantastic news that one of my favourite health food stores now stocks The Groovy Food Company !!! Not exactly sure why I am so excited? Read on to find out especially if you like cooking and baking and you would also like to make your life easier but healthier too.
Since I became a mother of three, I have learnt to appreciate online shopping more. Not the food shopping kind though. That’s s my cardio especially with the minimum of two kids in tow. It’s a great workout. I’m talking about all those little things that we need, things like household and hygiene stuff, that would require alot of effort and time planning, hopping from shop to shop with the kids. The type of stuff you might buy from Amazon or eBay. But since this is a pro-local and pro-small business blog I am happy to present Yiassu, a local business with an online platform that stocks all those little things you need.
Georgie was assigned to keep a diary as part of a school project. Even though he already has one, he needed some motivation to journal every day. So I told him that I have always kept a diary, from a very young age and that I still have many of those diaries. So a little plastic container was pulled down from the highest shelf and opened. The first thing we saw was my baby book. Which is now considered a proper vintage item.
When Fun Teepee got in touch with me about working together on a blog post I jumped at the chance. I love teepee tents, the whole concept has a magical vibe to it that’s unbeatable. We have always had one in the house and the kids love it. Georgie got his first one when he was two and a half, he still likes lounging around in it. Recently we decided to upgrade to this beautiful one that the younger kids really enjoy too. So I knew that bringing five teepees into our living room for a pyjama/sleepover party would be a brilliant idea. I was right. Georgie’s 8th birthday party was a huge success. Both magical and functional, every one including the adults thoroughly enjoyed themselves.