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georgie's mummy

Motherhood, on our island

Customised stationery and waterproof sticker name tags for the kids

The kids are back at school so I’m assuming, like me, you are faced with a landslide of forms to fill in and various belongings that need name tags. Ever since Georgie started preschool over four years ago I have been using a number of ways to keep track of his lunchbox and water bottle and school bag, all of which have disappointed me. So when I discovered Unicorns and Superheroes who specialise in kiddie stationery and name tag WATERPROOF stickers I knew I could now relax.


First day at school separation anxiety

Who else is jumping for joy at the thought of a routine and a new school year? Let me tell you who isn’t. Georgie, my seven year old who declared over a month ago that he does not want to go to school. Of course I completely understand what he means and why he doesn’t want to go so I’ve been reading up on separation anxiety and how I can help him deal with all the emotions that come with this change in his life.


Our summer holiday in Spain

we went to Spain!  it was a trip we had planned when I was pregnant with Danny. two of our closest and dearest friends decided to tie the knot in the bride’s hometown of Toledo and there was no way we were going to miss it. mainly because papa was the best man too.

you can now fly directly to Madrid from Larnaca with Cobalt, which is great and one of the main reasons we decided to take this trip with the two older kids. Switching flights with kids in tow is not my idea of fun. Danny stayed behind with our family who was fully equipped with 81 bags of frozen breastmilk! more than he would go through in one week but I wanted to make sure he would not go without.

Motherhood, on our island

My Book Heroes

A few months ago, during a usual busy evening with the exception of being heavily pregnant, I was huffing and puffing, folding clothes, picking up toy cars up off the floor and rushing to get dinner ready when I heard Georgie talking in his room. Loudly. It was 8.30 and he was supposed to be in bed. Manically, I made my way up the stairs, fired up to give him a scolding. But then I stopped. As I came closer to his bedroom door I realised he wasn’t talking. He was reading. 


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