georgie's mummy
James will be two in a couple of weeks. Which means we’ll be right smack bang in the middle of toddlerhood and the terrible twos stage hopefully coming out the other end unscathed and unscarred. Soon. Days with this little dude are anything but boring as you can imagine if you live or have ever lived with a toddler. He runs on an endless amount of energy, rarely sleeping throughout the day except for a quick nap in the car while I do the school run. But man, the boy can eat! Before the clock hits midday he’s already asked for two snacks and another bowl of cornflakes.
I’m currently in the midst of breastfeeding my third baby. Danny is just over three months old and exclusively breastfed by choice. And while I am 100% happy with my choice, leaving a breastfed baby in the care of someone else can be tricky especially when pumping milk is a daunting experience. But after three babies I have finally figured out the one sure stress-free way to make sure I have enough of that liquid gold stored and ready to go.
It’s been just over a year since Georgie learnt how to read. And I am still absolutely gobsmacked everytime I hear him. I feel so proud. Do you know the feeling? It’s so amazing. Along with his reading we’ve started playing around with activities like word searches, crossword puzzles and word scrambles. If your child is at the stage in life you may want to check out these great worksheets I recently received that will keep them busy this season.
Fact about me: I don’t wear makeup anymore. Another fact about me: I should. Sleep deprivation, the inability to stick to a healthy diet and lack of exercise is taking its toll on my skin. Of course the ramifications are psychological too so when I look in the mirror I am not happy with the face staring back at me. Seeing as a good night sleep won’t be taking place anytime soon and exercising is not in the foreseeable future, I am investing in some makeup and most importantly, great makeup tips because I can be incredibly lazy when it comes to it. So with the help of two mama friends who always look impeccable and obviously love makeup, I have put together a list of basic makeup tips/products for lazy mothers.