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georgie's mummy


How I am NOT keeping sane with three kids

This post was originally titled: How I’m keeping sane with three kids. Now, almost three months in and after weeks of editing, it’s now called How I am NOT keeping sane with three kids. Here’s how my life is going since being officially outnumbered.

Motherhood, on our island

Our Easter

Two days after I excitedly posted on Facebook about our first Easter as a family of five, James had a fever. A very high fever that started early on Easter Sunday and lasted throughout the week. So our two-week break from reality and routine didn’t go as planned but we did have a few glorious moments.


Five effective ways to stop the angry parenting cycle

I am incredibly excited about this blog post and thankful to life coach Alexia Vlahos Kolokasides for writing it and sharing the five most effective ways we can learn to be conscious, calm and loving parents. Grab a cup of tea and be prepared to stop the angry parenting cycle. 

Food, on our island

We love Chocsticks

When a good friend of mine contacted me about trying out something new that involves chocolate I jumped at the opportunity. The fact that it’s a student start-up company product competing in the Junior Achievement Cyprus competition made the notion even more intriguing. So on a quiet afternoon Georgie, James and I sat down to test-run the mouth-watering experience that is Chocsticks.

Food, on our island

Fresh mixed juices and smoothies: Five places I go to get my fix

I’ve been meaning to buy a juicer for ages. I’ve even done the research and nailed it down to a couple that suit my needs. But every time I’m about to hit the purchase button I hesitate and ask myself: Will I really use it? And, I’m ashamed to say, the answer is no. To be honest, for now, at this busy point in my life and especially during the week when I’m doing the school run, I would rather grab and go and get my fix from a few places I have discovered that are thriving in the fresh mixed juice and smoothie game. 


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