During the first few days at the clinic I experienced serious pangs of jealousy. That’s a strange thing to hear coming from a woman who has just had a baby, isn’t it? Well, not when she’s just had her third baby and is surrounded by first-time mothers.
georgie's mummy
One minute I was having a meeting with Georgie’s teacher and the next I was having contractions and walking up a hill.
That evening, on Valentine’s Day, we welcomed our beautiful baby boy, Danny.
Here’s everything that happened in between. My birth story and second VBAC told through my phone photos and pictures taken by my wonderful doula on the day.
I’ve had two babies. I’m expecting my third any day now. During those first days and weeks, I received a number of gifts from friends and family. And I have truly appreciated every single person who visited and every single gift that was brought. But after all these years, and many conversations with new and veteran mothers, I’ve come to the conclusion that there is something very wrong about this ‘tradition’.
I was listening to a podcast about juggling motherhood and a business and something was mentioned about tricky people. It was completely irrelevant and not discussed further but it hit a nerve so I decided to look into it. It turns out everything we knew and have been telling our kids about strangers should be revised because tricky people are the new strangers.
I spend a lot of time in my car. We don’t live close to Georgie’s school so everyday I have a good hour seated behind a steering wheel. Traffic used to be a problem but not anymore because I have discovered podcasts! I’m actually not even ashamed to admit that I would rather click the podcast app on my phone and connect it to the car audio system instead of blasting my usual tunes. I might be a bit late to the podcast party nevertheless because I find them so freaking awesome and have become obsessed I wanted to share my favourite ones, so far.