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georgie's mummy


One word to use when your child won’t listen

The brilliant authors of How To Talk So Kids Will Listen came up with this one. Which I have to say is more of a habit you have to get used to than a simple catchphrase or single word. But it works! And it saves you hours of lecturing and losing your mind.

Motherhood, style and beauty

Dressing the bump – 10 ways

The other day a family friend looked at my bump and said the nicest thing: Wow! Such a cute little belly. You look great! I was caught off-guard because usually people are quick to note that I look huge but I gave her a big smile, said thank you and went on to explain that as this is my third pregnancy I feel I have become an expert in ‘dressing the bump’.


Hey 2018!

Hello! And Happy New Year to you all! Right now I am writing this blog post with my feet up and a mild curry bubbling away on the stove. Georgie is reading a book in his bedroom, too loudly as usual, and James is fast asleep. So here’s what else we’ve been up to.

on our island

Christmas Giveaway

I am so excited and honoured to be writing this post and supporting so many small businesses who are taking part in what has to be the best local Christmas giveaway ever! I am genuinely jealous of the person who gets to snag the 11 amazing gifts that are up for grabs.

on our island

Christmas things I want to do and shop for / 2017 edition

Last year I put a little list together of things I was looking forward to doing – and shopping for- in the days leading up to Christmas. So here’s this year’s edition including  places I want to visit with my boys and where I am planning on getting last-minute gifts from.


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