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georgie's mummy


Basic nutrients needed during pregnancy and how to get them

Once a month I visit an alternative therapist. He hooks me up with the vitamins and supplements my body needs and gives me tons of tips and advice on diet issues. As expected, we’ve now switched up my regular routine adding prenatal vitamins and making changes to my diet ensuring both me and baby are getting all the nutrients we need. Do you know what these are? After three pregnancies I’m still learning.

let's play

6 last-minute halloween face painting ideas for kids

I’m not really feeling the Halloween vibe THAT much this year to go all out and buy/make Georgie a costume. Let’s blame it on pregnancy hormones shall we? But he will be attending a couple of parties so I have to do something. Enter the best last minute face painting ideas I could find. And they’re super easy too!

Motherhood, style and beauty

10 easy five-minute hairstyles that are not topknots

Lately I have been making a conscious effort to stop pulling my hair into a topknot everyday. It’s the easiest and most practical style to pull off for all busy women with long hair but especially for mamas like me who have a kid attached to their hip and absolutely no time in the morning to make their heads look presentable. So here’s what’s been inspiring me lately to be a tad more creative with my hair. Five minute hairstyles, ladies!


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