Recently, I had a conversation with my sister about what our kids call adults.
georgie's mummy
Parmesan chicken and kale sauté. I love the simiplicity of this recipe. I love it because it means that I can actually eat something amazing and good for me without having to create a small chaos in my kitchen on a Tuesday night.
This is a personal post. But I didn’t think too long about whether I should or should not write it like others I have written in the past. It was cathartic. At the base is the firm knowledge of how every mother feels about her child. You want the absolute best for them but above all you want them to be healthy. So what happens when they’re not and that’s not the worse part.
James is 11 months old. Did you get that, people? He will be one year old in one month. And while it’s taking some time for that to sink in, I get a smack-in-the-face reminder when I turn around and find him standing up, clapping and laughing. He isn’t walking yet- thankfully, cause mama ain’t ready for that- but he is literally everywhere. And I am behind him every step of the way. I’ve already moved every single plant and a safety gate has been placed bang in the middle of our living area to stop him from going to the staircase which is basically a death trap. So I’ve had to think of ways to keep this little man busy…without having to do much.
While it is totally ok to cook breakfast, book a spa or buy something extra special for mama on Sunday when we’ll all be celebrating the number one women in our lives, there are a few things she really wants that you just can’t put in a little bag and most cost next to nothing.