You know how wonderfully amazing and beneficial reading aloud to your child can be. But did you know that actually starting as early as eight weeks is highly recommended? We began reading aloud to Georgie when he was about 18 months. I didn’t even think of doing it when he was a younger baby. Do you or did you read to your infant or baby?
georgie's mummy
While there’s little I can do about those bags under my eyes, I suppose I could sort out some form of babysitting and make my way to a spa or a really great facialist and get myself a proper skin treatment. Obviously that’s not gonna happen. So in the meantime I’m improvising. I’ve been researching ways I can treat my skin from home. Apart from proper cleansing, face masks should be a top priority for everyone because they can make the world of difference. I should know, I’ve been trying a few over the past month and have nailed down my favourite three DIY face masks you can make with stuff you already have in your kitchen. And actually get results.
Hey guys! I hope you had a great Easter and a much-needed relaxing break. Our little family certainly did albeit with ridiculously early mornings because my kids are always up at the crack of dawn no matter the day or event. What I wouldn’t give for a lie-in. Anyway so current ramblings…
As part of Birth Forward’s Caesarean Awareness Month campaign I felt the need to write my thoughts on the matter of c-sections. As someone who has achieved a natural birth after an emergency c-section I feel it is my duty to write about my experience.
First of all, dare to mention the word VBAC (vaginal birth after caesarean) and you’re bound to be met with an array of reactions. Most of these reactions are questions that come in a shocked tone. ‘How?’ ‘Can you even DO that?’ And then there’s the completely uneducated minority that dare to question the safety of such an experience as if you just woke up one morning and decided to give birth to your baby as naturally as possible without any guidance or professional advice.
Once you have kids it’s so easy to get carried away with their lives, their needs, their wants that you forget about YOUR needs, YOUR wants and YOUR life. I know I’m certainly guilty of this.