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georgie's mummy

Food, on our island

Book Review/ Cyprus: Final Tastynation

I love getting sucked into new books. Digging into a great story that unfolds with each turn of those crisp and sharp pages has to be one of my favourite feelings. So I was somewhat caught off guard when I had those same feelings about… a cookbook. Three nights in a row I would curl up on the sofa and grab Cyprus: Final Tastynation and turn those pages uncontrollably.

Motherhood, style and beauty

Healthy eating habits revised

It’s been one month since I started a strict, new and revised eating plan. I try to be a healthy-eater but lately I’ve been feeling run-down, agitated, anxious, bloated and overall frustrated with myself. Time for change.

Motherhood, on our island

New shop alert: To Sinnefaki

For a long time, James’ room was empty. Aside from some boxes and Georgie’s old little bed. It remained locked until recently when we moved him in and I found myself a new room makeover project. So far I’ve moved his bed 379 times, changed his curtains twice and fallen off the ladder once. And I am absolutely loving it! It’s also given me the opportunity to discover and shop from small local businesses that specialise in the kind of original and unique kiddie stuff you only see online. To Sinnefaki opened its doors just in time!


Interview with a Vegan

I’ve considered it. The thoughts of no longer consuming meat, eggs, cheese have crossed my mind on more than one occasion. I’ve been thinking about going vegan but I can’t bring myself to take the leap -even if I do take baby steps every week like rarely cooking meat and cutting dairy out of our diet – including the kids’. So I decided to speak to a friend who has chosen this lifestyle path and satisfy my curiosity of all the questions I have regarding this healthier way of eating. 


Georgie is six!

I could easily dive into the emotional whirlwind a mother experiences when her firstborn grows up and hits this major milestone but I think I’ll spare you. And me. Because after the week from hell with James and an ear infection all I have to say is this: Georgie is six years old and that is a statement I am so very proud to make.


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