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georgie's mummy


My reality of having two kids

Like any mother, I love my kids to bits. And there it is. The reality. That I have two kids now. Definitely not the same as having one kid. And after five and a half years of having (just) one, it’s safe to assume that I have no idea what I’m doing.


My VBAC story

I still remember the moment my doctor told me I could have a VBAC if I wanted to. He caught me off guard. I had never considered the possibility let alone dare to dream of such a thing. Yet here I am, months later, typing this story and having achieved a beautiful natural birth.


Oats and coconut oil bath for itchy skin

Georgie suffers from eczema. Since he was a baby, dry, flaky, sensitive and itchy skin is something he has had to live with. It’s torture at the worst of times and bearable at the best. But a few weeks ago he went through a nightmare. One that was brought to a standstill the moment he stepped foot in a warm bath of oats and coconut oil.


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