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georgie's mummy


In the kitchen: The best baked potato

For a long time I used to wrap potatoes in foil and put them in the oven whenever we fancied baked potatoes.

Then I became aware of the health risks of aluminum foil in cooking and decided to try a different method. And I am so glad I did because this produces the best baked potato ever!


One week before my due date: What I’ve been up to

I wiped out the word ‘May’ from our big blackboard wall calendar and wrote ‘June’. My birth month. The month I, papa, Georgie, family and friends have all been waiting for. And as I jotted down the words ‘due date’ I felt an expected pang of anxiety but also a sense of relief. 

Motherhood, Music

What kind of music do your young kids listen to?

Music has always been my favourite way to unwind and de-stress. Turning on the radio or clicking play on my computer screen or spinning a record on a Saturday morning is just a way of life for me. Besides almost nothing can beat a spontaneous dance session in the kitchen with your child.

Motherhood, style and beauty

Kiddie clothes shop: Cissy Wears

Next time you’re in London make sure you look up this cool concept store. Cissy Wears boasts a range of ultra modern and high quality clothes and other beautifully designed products. Such as toys and gifts, books, homeware and even clothes for grown ups and other goodies you won’t be able to resist.


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