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georgie's mummy


3 natural and organic sunblock creams for you and your child

Whether you’re planning on heading to the beach this weekend or just spending some time outdoors, the first thing you need to do is get yourself a sunblock cream. Summer is officially here and you and your family need to protect your skin. There are an outstanding number of sun protection lotions on the market but these are my top organic/natural ones specifically designed for kids and babies.  

style and beauty

Pregnancy style: Two favourite items

Sorry about the silence that took over last week. I got caught up in the middle of updating or upgrading and backing up my laptop, not to mention sorting through thousands of photos, videos and documents. And seeing as I am 38 weeks pregnant, technological advances, stress and multi-tasking come with limitations.


Mixed Tape: My labour playlists

When the time comes, having the right music available and on hand is very important to me so I made two labour playlists.

One is called Labour. The other Slow Labour.

One is packed with rock songs, classics I love to dance to and other weird and wonderful favourites that hold good memories for me. The other makes me cry. Ha! I meant, chill. Both have voices I love and tunes that make me happy.

style and beauty

Free and easy beauty trick: The ice cube facial

I am at that stage in my pregnancy where everything is swollen.

My hands, feet, boobs, ass and face are all nice and round as my mum elegantly put it the other day. Whenever possible I’ve been lying around with my legs up in the air and I am trying to lessen the hours I spend on my laptop because typing is doing no favours to my aching hands and wrists.


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