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georgie's mummy

Motherhood, style and beauty

Cool and comfy mama t-shirts

1. The Bee and The Fox: These t-shirts were what inspired this post to begin with. I love the typography, the contrast ringer binding at the neckline and sleeves and they also look super comfy. Shop on Etsy.

2. Female Collective: Feminism is celebrated in all its glory over at Female Collective where the t-shirts look a tad plain but nevertheless I love all the statements they boldly make.


10 easy ways to better health

1. Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning: So easy and so doable and so very good for you. When you wake up your body needs to be hydrated, to flush out toxins. By drinking one to two glasses of water first thing in the morning you are firing up your metabolism, fueling your brain and you will also relieve constipation. In Japan this is common practice because they believe that it can prevent and even cure diseases.




Welcoming baby no2- the best piece of advice I’ve received

Once our second little dude makes his appearance one thing everyone is certain of and they like telling me is that Georgie will become jealous. I beg to differ.

Of course I am aware that baby’s arrival will signify a massive change in Georgie’s life. Just as it will for papa and me. I find that to be absolutely normal. We will all struggle to adapt just like we would if we moved to Africa! Or something drastic like that!


Wedding gift traditions around the world

Recently I was scrolling through one of my favourite blogs, Cup of Jo when I came across an article about weddings and cash registries in the US. Joanna, author of the blog, explained that she once had the urge to give cash as a wedding gift instead of usual household registry and that she used a cool site where couples register for cash in a sweet way. Interesting no?


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