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georgie's mummy

on our island

Bits and pieces of our Easter

I decided to take a few days off blogging and rest up with the family during the Easter holidays. Our past two Easters have been spent travelling so this year we wanted to be with our families and really ‘feel’ Easter.

We took a one-night trip to the mountains where papa’s parents have a house in one of the villages, visited friends and basked in the sun. We ate ridiculous amounts of delicious foods, consumed our weight in chocolate eggs, played tsougkrisma and of course my family’s favourite Easter egg game, an epic egg hunt.

let's play

10 easy egg decorating ideas

Honestly I can’t remember the last time I dyed eggs for Easter. I think at some point it just became an incredibly mundane tradition- dip them in some red dye and that’s it. There was some spicing up later on when the colour green was introduced. Ha!

I promised myself I would get involved with decorating eggs this year with Georgie. But we’re doing it our way! So I gathered some kid-friendly cute and modern egg decorating ideas to try out.



1. And now Prince?! Enough already!

2. An interesting article on milk and whether it matters if it is pasteurised, homogenised or organic.

3. Do you cycle? Then come to TEDxNicosia’s Wheels and Traces event tomorrow and say hi!

4. Superfoods for glowing skin. 

5. Make sure you know what type of child car seat you are buying.

let's play

Keeping the kids busy: What do you take with you?

We were having dinner at a little restaurant in Vienna when I noticed Georgie and his tablet seemed to be getting a lot of attention from the people around us. It didn’t occur to me at the time but later on I realised that tablets/iPads/tech gadgets weren’t popular among kids at restaurants or coffee shops. Actually I don’t think I saw a single child carrying or playing on one the whole time we were there.

home and design, Motherhood

Home inspiration: Gender-neutral nurseries

When I can’t sleep- which has been happening more and more as the weeks go by- I’m busy pinning. And lately there’s been a shift from beauty products to baby rooms – even though from experience I know that there is no hurry to get a nursery up and running as baby will undoubtedly spend the first four months at least in our bedroom. Still it’s something that I’m looking forward to doing, organising and preparing for. And despite knowing that another little dude will be joining our family, I’ve always liked the idea of gender neutral bedrooms. What do you think?


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