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georgie's mummy


Where to go with kids in Vienna

I felt certain that Vienna would be the perfect ‘new and exciting’ place to go with Georgie. Sans papa. It’s only a three-hour plane ride from Cyprus, a very safe city and extremely child-friendly.

Every single metro station has a lift which makes traveling with a bump and a buggy so much easier and the city centre is jam-packed with the most beautiful parks and playgrounds. The weather was perfect and the food was too.


Georgie in Vienna

We’re back from our four-day trip to Vienna! There were moments when it was challenging but thankfully there were even more moments when it absolutely rocked! 

I’m pretty sure that had I not been 30 weeks pregnant the challenging part of our trip- such as walking and pushing a five-year old in a buggy for hours- would have been more exciting. In spite of running out of breath and aching legs, I am still glad I took this trip with my boy before his little brother arrives. And thank you to one of my best friends for this great picture and many more I have to cherish x


An interview with Claire Anne Mavris

As I explained in this post, I am hoping to succeed in having a VBAC when its time for this baby to make his way into the world. There were a number of things I had on my list of things to do to prepare myself but honestly I felt none were as important as hiring a doula.

I knew I wanted one from the moment my doctor gave me the OK for a VBAC. So I scheduled an appointment with the clinic’s antenatal coordinator/doula who is none other than the lovely Claire Anne Mavris. We sat down for a chat or as I like to call it ‘a grilling session’. I wanted to know everything about her work at the ISIS Clinic but most importantly I wanted to know what she could do for me when the time comes.

style and beauty, Travel

Travelling while pregnant / What to pack and what to carry

Georgie and I will be taking a little four-day trip to Vienna this week. He’s super excited about it as am I because we both love travelling so much. And despite having been to Vienna before I can’t wait to go back and take Georgie with me as it’s such a beautiful and child-friendly destination. And so close! Just a three and a half hour airplane ride from Cyprus.


Plum and Sparrow: Handwoven moses baskets

I am totally head over heels in love with these handwoven baskets by Plum and Sparrow. 

Aren’t they phenomenal? And the story behind these gorgeous baskets is even more amazing and worth loving. Apart from being a Fair Trade Federation small business, Plum and Sparrow‘s one-of-a-kind baskets are handmade in Africa. Ultimately, 10% of all baskets sold help support over 400 African weavers and their families providing them with school supplies, healthcare and the funding and building of community weaving centers.


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