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georgie's mummy

let's play

Learning words… from a fashion magazine

The other day Georgie had a much-appreciated day off school so we lazily made our way to Larnaca for some lunch and sea air. Sitting down for a meal with my boy is one of my favourite things to do. Just him and me, it’s something I try to fit in our schedule at least once a week.

But that day I had a sudden urge to buy a magazine and read at lunch while basking in the warm sun. Obviously with a five-year old in tow there was no way that was going to happen the way I pictured it happening. But I did have a trusty old colouring book and pencils with me. You know the one you keep for special occasions such as these. So we sat down for lunch and I opened my magazine and dove straight into an article about the Brexit and how women can affect the vote when Georgie pointed out the word ‘the’. And then ‘that’ and ‘up’. I put the magazine down, took one of his colouring pencils and circled the word ‘and’. ‘What about that one?’ I said. He read it. Loud and clear.



1. Babywearing workshop at ISIS Clinic in Nicosia.

2. 31 cool things for your house. But only if you win the lottery.

3. Ways and books to calm an aggressive child. 

4. Spare me the faux-feminist bullshit: An opinion piece on that nude selfie. 

5. What are schools like in North Korea? Shocking, as you can imagine.

Motherhood, style and beauty

Five changing bags/diaper bags that are also backpacks

Soon after I gave birth to Georgie I remember how phenomenally impossible it was to find a nappy bag or diaper bag or changing bag or whatever you want to call it.

Here was an item I was supposed to carry around with me all the time and yet I wouldn’t go anywhere near most of them even if you paid me. Sorry but Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse and other woodland creatures are not the type of bag style I like. So five years ago I made do with a plain shoulder bag. Definitely not very practical but I managed. I breastfed Georgie exclusively so not having to carry bottles and other stuff made the world of difference.

let's play

Birthday party goodie bags

It’s a birthday party tradition that I remember as a child. Don’t you? The image of a little plastic bag with printed colourful balloons pops to mind. Although its strange I cannot recall what was actually IN those bags -balloons? sweets?-, I remember the excitement of receiving one.

Last year was the first time I prepared goodie bags for Georgie’s little friends. Inside the boys’ bags I placed a rolled up Superman poster tied with a balloon. The girls got a mermaid poster. Both were hand drawn and gorgeous and I’m told they looked amazing on the kids’ bedroom walls.



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