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georgie's mummy

let's play, on our island

Georgie turns 5

This week it was Georgie’s birthday. He is now 5 years old.

I get a bit emotional at his birthdays, when he blows out the candles and I realise how bloody quickly time goes by. I hugged him tight on the morning of his birthday and whispered the words ‘my baby’ to which he replied: ‘No mama. I am now 5 years old so I am not a baby anymore.’ I made it abundantly clear that no matter how old he is he will always be MY baby. If you follow me on Instagram you can catch me singing happy birthday to Georgie as he was waking up with a smile on his face.


Scrambled eggs with three veggies

I often have an intense craving for scrambled eggs. But I can’t always decide with what. I know cheese is an obvious choice but here in Cyprus we like to team our eggs with veggies such as tomatoes, spinach and courgettes. And I really like that.

I happen to like it so much that on more than one occasion I have made all three in one go. My plate looked phenomenal teamed with a kale and avocado salad.



1. A great start to my day because I heard one of my favourite songs on the radio which is also my wedding song.

2. A recipe for apple sauce, a great baking substitute for oil, butter and eggs.

3. How to make your lipstick last all day. I need this.

4. I am a huge fan of Lefteris Moumtzis and the song Now Happiness.


Making banana bread with Georgie

Georgie loves helping me in the kitchen and it makes me proud to see him crack an egg open or stir with a wooden spoon, one hand firmly holding the bowl just like I have showed him.

As promised, I am sharing the recipe to our favourite banana bread which I always make with him because I find it is so easy to prepare.


One woman’s guide through miscarriage

Miscarriages are more common than you think. But they are rarely talked about resulting in many women feeling alone and isolated during this sad time. Here one woman shares her experience and what she’s learnt. This is a grieving parent’s guide.



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