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georgie's mummy

on our island

One night in Limassol

On Saturday papa and I dropped Georgie off at my in-laws and made our way to Limassol. We were in town for an event where papa was awarded a massive trophy for winning the Time Attack championship in car racing. So proud of him!

Seeing as this was a one-night vacation and we only had a few hours to ourselves we did what all parents on their own would do. We walked hand-in-hand along the beachfront, stayed up late and slept in. Obviously. We also grabbed some great grub at the Limassol Marina and put our feet up at the Londa Hotel, which was heaven.


Pregnancy massage at ISIS Clinic

The lights were turned down low and the room was cosy and warm. Candles were lit and a sweet aroma filled the air. If it weren’t for the effects of this calm environment I would have been jumping for joy. Because I was about to get a pregnancy massage!

I take care of my body as much as I can. Being a person and a mother who, on occasion,  experiences intense neck and back pains I feel its my duty to do whatever I can to make sure I’m as pain-free as possible. But then I go and get myself pregnant and all of a sudden I’m getting strange aches in my shoulders and legs and ooh-ing and aah-ing every time I bend over to help Georgie put his shoes on. Suffice to say I’m not happy.



1. 10 reasons you should read to your kids.

2. Eidekanou Theatre in Nicosia looks great. Adults and kids are welcome.

3. There are certain albums you can’t buy anymore.

4. Completely and utterly obsessed with this song.

5. Why creative people have a messy home.

6. Shared kids rooms.

7. I can’t get enough of U Radio 99.6, the awesome DJs and the music they play.

style and beauty

Skincare: The right order to use your products

‘Mummy, you have little holes on your face. Why?’ Urgh. Trust kids to really give it to you, slap you with the truth at 7.30 in the morning and pick at every little detail.

Of course that night I skipped an episode of Fringe and went straight to the mirror.

The truth is I have sensitive, acne-prone skin with tiny scars from my teenage years. I also have enlarged pores that will peek when I fall behind in my skincare routine. Lately I’ve been doing just that and to make matters worse I’m pregnant. Major skin disruption! And unfortunately I do not have that awesome pregnancy glow and dewy skin that most women are sometimes blessed with.

Food, Motherhood

My pregnancy food shopping list

When I started researching foods I should be eating during my pregnancy I was quite happy to note that most of it was grub I actually like and eat anyway.

However I knew that during the next few months these items would have to be more prominent in my daily diet. Not only do I want to avoid unnecessary weight gain – an experience I had while I was pregnant with Georgie- most importantly I want to be as healthy as possible and I want my baby to be as healthy as possible.


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