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georgie's mummy

on our island

Kids menu at a brunch spot in Nicosia

Over the past year or two, here in Nicosia, we’ve witnessed an eruption of brunch spots and while I couldn’t be happier about the progress being made in the culinary department of my city, I have my favourite: Get Fresh. There are lots of reasons why I love this place and now I’ve got one more.  I was there picking up a juice the week before my birthday when I spotted a Kids Menu section on their brunch menu. How awesome! So on the morning of my birthday while papa had a few things to do, Georgie and I headed to Get Fresh for some brunch.

odd ends

Odd Ends

1. We went to see Pan. Although I really wanted to see The Martian.

2. This fella climbed out of bag of spinach.

3. Crappy iPhone photo of the most awesome TWD birthday cake my sister made me.

4. Finally found the black velvet fabric I’ve been looking for to reupholster my kitchen stools.

5. I get excited with silly things like alphabet stamps.

Cyprus, on our island

This is Cyprus- Athalassa National Park

This past month I made a change in my daily routine. Every morning after I drop Georgie off at school I head to one of my favourite places in Nicosia. The Athalassa National Park. I spend an hour just walking. Not running, not exercising. Sometimes I listen to music and other times I just listen to the sounds of nature. At the park I spend one of the most restorative moments of my day. I ‘switch off’, breathe and allow myself to just be. No matter how many times I go I am always blown away by the peace and quiet and beauty of this place.


How to make the perfect fried egg

Eggs are my jam. They get my vote every time. For breakfast, lunch or dinner, they are easy to rustle up and are one of the best budget foods. Unless I am going for a quick and healthy on-the-go snack in which case they must be hard-boiled, I prefer them fried and runny. On brown toasted bread with a bunch of greens (one of my favourite dishes) or with fried halloumi and homemade fried potatoes or served with a beautiful hollandaise sauce. Whichever way I go one thing is for sure: that egg yolk must be cooked to perfection.


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