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georgie's mummy


Let’s walk – The Teddy Bear Walk

Every night before I kiss my son goodnight, I tuck him in and say I Love You. With his teddybear by his side, I close my eyes for just a second, and express my gratitude because I am able to keep my baby warm and safe from harm. There isn’t any way that I can begin to imagine the horror of not being able to do just that: Keep my child safe.

on our island

The Doghouse Bakery

Since bringing Indie home, papa and I have been spoiling her rotten. I wouldn’t go as far as to say that she gets more hugs and kisses from us than Georgie does but you get the idea. This, I reckon, is also the reason she doesn’t always listen to us. Things are much better now but during the first month I couldn’t get her to go into her kennel or come or stay or do anything that she really didn’t want to do.


Dear C, F*** You!

Dear C,

I’ve always found it easier to express myself through writing. To pen down my thoughts and feelings. And because I have a bunch of them all stemming from you, what better way to get them out than to write you a letter?

You know, I was aware of your reputation. What you are capable of.  I’ve merely seen the disaster, the pain and sadness you are able to unleash. And I knew I never wanted to meet you. In fact, nobody wants to meet you. Nobody likes you and nobody wants you.


The Parent Hood // 23

1. I cannot even begin to tell you how much I love this woman and her blog. 

2. I’ve already told Georgie about this movie. Now we can’t wait to see it.

3. 10 ways over-thinking destroys your happiness. 

4. Finally people are seeing that places like Seaworld should not exist!

5. What giving birth looks like in two very different worlds.

style and beauty

Style inspiration: Statement coats

If it weren’t for a family emergency last weekend, Georgie and I would be at the beach. So what am I doing talking about coats? Well, I think I’ve finally had enough of summer; I even bought my first new winter item yesterday so I’m eager to start changing things up in the wardrobe department. One thing I always depend on when the weather gets cooler is a statement coat. It could be equipped with thick materials for those cold winter days or it could be light as a feather and the perfect in-between-seasons piece. Here’s what is on my inspiration board.


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