Keeping up with my Be Happy Be Healthy series and all the little things I am doing to stay on a positive vibe track, I wanted to tell you all about my meditation journey. Up until a couple of months ago and despite knowing all the amazing benefits that come with shutting down my brain for a few minutes every day, I couldn’t meditate. Not for the life of me. No matter how much I tried, I felt lost and unable. It felt scary.
If you’ve been reading the blog for a while now – and following along on Instagram – then you know that during the last 18 months I have entered a crazy zone. The transition from one child to three in under three years came as a shock to me and, almost literally, turned my world upside down. I didn’t know what I was doing anymore, I often felt scared and I was not feeling like me anymore. Life became a chaos and I got lost in it. In bed every night I would lie awake thinking about one thing: how the fuck am I supposed to be a parent to my kids? It’s funny how some answers just come and find you. I got invited to a Conscious Parenting workshop. It hasn’t changed my life. It’s made it better.
I received my first pouch of matcha powder earlier this month from Boost Bio Market and Ev Zin Bio. I’m a big fan of matcha smoothies but other than that I had no idea what to do with it. Enter a good friend, fellow boy mama and all around awesome person, Minako. I first wanted her matcha tea recipe. Then I wanted her matcha parfait recipe. Soon I was receiving photos of mouth-drooling Japanese treats and simple little recipes. So we decided to share and here they are!
Last Saturday night I was sitting on the floor, outdoors, in an music arena, by the water in Faliro, Athens with a beer by my side and not a care in the world. I am about to dance and sing with thousands of people to the rhythms of rock legend, Iggy Pop. I noticed a feeling, the same feeling I always get when I am part of a large crowd at a music festival. Good vibes take on a completely different meaning during long warm summer moments like these. I have been traveling to summer music festivals abroad on and off over the past 8 years and it is an experience I am literally hooked on.
James will start preschool in September. This is something that makes me anxious. As the middle child he has a free spirit, to put the description of his character mildly, so confirming to rules and following instructions, I fear, are not his strong suit. So when Little Kickers contacted me about taking James, who will be three next month, to a few weekly classes, I knew it would be the perfect opportunity to ease him into the world of education, independence and group play. The fact that he got a kit with a t-shirt and his name on it was just icing on the cake.