I could easily dive into the emotional whirlwind a mother experiences when her firstborn grows up and hits this major milestone but I think I’ll spare you. And me. Because after the week from hell with James and an ear infection all I have to say is this: Georgie is six years old and that is a statement I am so very proud to make.
In the five years between having my two babies I feel alot has changed. There’s the endless amount of sleep tips online (I bought books back then), the BLW (baby-led-weaning) method and those nappies with the line that changes colour when your baby wets himself. None of these existed or at least I had never heard of them when I was a new mummy raising my boy in 2011. And then there’s the new brand of baby products every mum I know is talking about: MAM.
Every night, after I shower, I feel like kicking myself because I keep forgetting to write this post. It’s one of those things that I know will help women experiencing what I experienced. When I was pregnant with James a dreaded stretch mark appeared on my lower belly.
We’re at that stage where James is on three meals a day. That means exactly what all mamas with young babies know it means: The pressure is on. Gone are the days when all I needed were my boobs and a nappy or two. Also it’s been over five years since I pureed a meal and while I never thought things could change that much in this department I am actually discovering all sorts of new information and food combinations.
Happy New Year guys!