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reusable nappies

Top 5 tips for eco-friendly parenting

If you’re a new parent or you’ve got small children, it might seem challenging to live a sustainable lifestyle. Babies might seem to produce a lot of waste and it can feel like a hassle to try to avoid this. If you make some changes to be more eco-friendly, you’ll be surprised how quickly it becomes a habit. There are plenty of brands that offer toys, clothes, and accessories for babies that are made from sustainable materials. You could also look into second-hand and reusable options. Here are five tips for eco-friendly parenting. 


Raising Kids 101: Healthy Kids are Happy Kids

In life, staying healthy requires a life-long commitment. In this journey, diseases are inevitable. The good news is that the majority of them are preventable. Parents are responsible for their kids’ care and health. Parents need to teach their kids healthy habits and practices early on to counter common health issues in children. The best way to do this is by setting a good example as kids imitate and emulate their parents. There could be others, but here are some of the best ways to keep your kids healthy. 

Lifestyle, Motherhood, on our island, Wellness

Going eco-friendly with Eco Fluff

Every night I wipe my face clean with some micellar water and cotton pads. And every night I throw those cotton pads in the bin, I feel a pang of guilt. Same thing happens whenever I have a period and I throw away pad after pad. The guilt is intense because I’m harming the planet one bloody pad at a time not to mention my bank account. It’s really that simple. So when I got an email from Eco Fluff, a female-led local and small company with the sole purpose of introducing and encouraging women towards sustainable personal and baby products, I jumped at the chance to work with them. I’ve been testing and trying out some of their bestsellers and here’s my honest opinion.

photo of a woman sitting on the beach
Cyprus, Motherhood

My rebirth

I started seeing a therapist. I have made a habit of practicing yoga everyday. I have made conscious efforts to clean up my eating habits. I sit still. I read a little bit more each day. I am kinder and more understanding to my children and my man. I am kinder to myself. I respect myself and love myself. Hitting rock bottom over two years ago, having suicidal thoughts and constantly doubting myself MADE me start doing all those things. It took time and it was anything but easy. But it brought out the best and most strongest in me. As a stay-at-home mum of three young children, I still lose my shit on a frequent basis but I no longer beat myself up about it. Instead I call it my rebirth, an evolving that doesn’t happen just once. It happens over and over again. Just like waves keep rolling up and then away, just like our breathe holds and releases, I am born and reborn constantly. One of those moments in my life was captured so beautifully by the talented Anca Clivet.


Benefits of owning a caravan holiday home

Going on holiday seems a distant memory this year with the global pandemic, but if you own a caravan holiday home, you could be lucky enough to get away for a few days (rules permitting). But that’s just one advantage of having a caravan holiday home that you can call your own… there are plenty more reasons to invest in one.


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