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Motherhood, Parenting, relationships

Women’s Day: What we do and say as parents matters

It’s two days before International Women’s Day. I am sitting in a coffee shop, music blaring through my headphones, a half-eaten sandwich and a cup of cold brew with a dash of oat milk next to me. I dropped off my youngest at his grandparents because I wanted to spend some time writing before picking up my other two kids from school. Do you think this is something a man would have to do in order to get one hour of free time?

Motherhood, relationships

Be Happy Be Healthy – It’s ok to make mistakes

It’s OK to make mistakes. When I heard those words being spoken on a podcast I almost cried. It was such a revelation at that moment in my life, even though it’s nothing new. Even though it may sound like a cliche to you right now as you’re reading this, just really think about it for a minute. When was the last time you told yourself or your children that it’s ok to make mistakes?

Motherhood, relationships

Be Happy Be Healthy – Write a gratitude list

It’s easy for me to get caught in a web of negativity especially when everything that can go wrong will go wrong. Recently our fridge broke down, silently in the middle of the night, defrosting everything in the freezer and slowly working it’s way through the fridge section too. Then our dog got sick. And then there was other stuff. There always is. But because I have recently decided to work on my mind as well as my body, I knew that a gratitude list could have a massive impact on my overall wellbeing. So I gave it a go. 


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