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style and beauty

Be happy Be Healthy – A blog series – My simple skincare routine

I’m starting a blog series called Be Happy Be Healthy. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do mainly because I knew it would motivate me. I hope it does the same for you.

As a busy mother of three, time is of the essence in everything I do so I knew I wanted to avoid complicated/expensive/time-consuming methods. I want the simple and effective route.

Motherhood, style and beauty

Basic make-up tips and product suggestions for lazy mamas

Fact about me: I don’t wear makeup anymore. Another fact about me: I should. Sleep deprivation, the inability to stick to a healthy diet and lack of exercise is taking its toll on my skin. Of course the ramifications are psychological too so when I look in the mirror I am not happy with the face staring back at me. Seeing as a good night sleep won’t be taking place anytime soon and exercising is not in the foreseeable future, I am investing in some makeup and most importantly, great makeup tips because I can be incredibly lazy when it comes to it. So with the help of two mama friends who always look impeccable and obviously love makeup, I have put together a list of basic makeup tips/products for lazy mothers. 

Motherhood, style and beauty

Dressing the bump – 10 ways

The other day a family friend looked at my bump and said the nicest thing: Wow! Such a cute little belly. You look great! I was caught off-guard because usually people are quick to note that I look huge but I gave her a big smile, said thank you and went on to explain that as this is my third pregnancy I feel I have become an expert in ‘dressing the bump’.

on our island, style and beauty


Maybe its because I haven’t had a regular waistline in over two years or because there is simply no room to experiment with clothes when you’re pregnant but lately I have a newfound respect for jewelry. Whether it’s gold or silver, delicate or slightly chunky I am loving this new vibe I’m feeling right now. 

Motherhood, style and beauty

10 easy five-minute hairstyles that are not topknots

Lately I have been making a conscious effort to stop pulling my hair into a topknot everyday. It’s the easiest and most practical style to pull off for all busy women with long hair but especially for mamas like me who have a kid attached to their hip and absolutely no time in the morning to make their heads look presentable. So here’s what’s been inspiring me lately to be a tad more creative with my hair. Five minute hairstyles, ladies!


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