If I had to chose a pair of shoes to live in for the rest of my life it would be a pair of black and white Converse sneakers. On Pinterest, I have a board dedicated to my love for Converse sneakers and the many, many ways they can be worn. Isn’t it amazing how, over the past couple of years, they’ve broken free from confinement and are now considered classics and an acceptable statement piece by the big bosses of style? As you can see from these few favourite pics, they are super versatile. I like to wear mine with fancy dresses or with a pair of cut-off denim shorts. I wear them with sparkly tops and tight-fitted skirts. Anything goes!
style and beauty
Every summer since Georgie was born, Papa and I take three days off parent duty and spend time with friends while he spends some time with his grandparents. It’s an exciting time for me because I always feel that this is MY time, a time to do what one cannot normally do with kids. Like get a long massage, drink a cocktail or two before sunset, leave the room with nothing but a towel and a book, lounge by the pool and read said book continuously, without looking up once. Even blaring music through headphones! Daring stuff. All of which I am anxiously waiting to do.
The Cypriot dialect is packed with the most colourful and mouth-filling words, accents and tones. Some say that when spoken, the Cypriotr dialect may as well be sung. They say it’s a beautiful melodic conjunction of various cultural influences.
I say it’s downright hilarious. With a deep-rooted verbal connection to sayings such as Giati Etsi Thelei To Katti, I Sitzia Tou Mavrou and Lamna’Rota it’s almost as though we’ve created the basis of a secret language spoken by few in the world. They are, I believe, the true beauty of the Cypriot dialect, the weird and often inexplicable Kipriaka.
It’s summer!!! And my hair is constantly wet, constantly out of control and always bordering on too dry. If it ain’t the humidity wreaking havoc, it’s the pool or the sea water. Either way curly/dry hair does not do well in summer. This is why, this year, I have chosen to stop trying to get my locks to look as good as they do during the cooler months. I have given up on styling products and have finally embraced some off-beat hairstyles that will take me from day to night without any hassle.
Hello! It’s been a week since I last posted anything and I feel absolutely rotten about it. Though not much could be done seeing as both Georgie and I were tormented by headaches and fevers, hit by a two-day superbug rendering us helpless over the long weekend. I swear, every two to three weeks someone in this family is sick. Please let this be the last of it.