I took so many pictures today, sorting through them gave me a headache. Actually it’s my bloody allergies that have given me a headache. Hayfever plagues me EVERY year and no, it didn’t ‘pass’ with my pregnancy. period pains, yes. But not my hay fever.
Anyhoo, despite the strange weather- super hot one minute, cold and dreary the next- and subsequently, our ruined Easter egg hunt, georgie, papa and me had a wonderful time with my family at my parents’ house.
The day started with a smiley Goergie who woke up bright and early. 6.30! He had toast and raspberry jam with cheerios for breakfast.
Before we headed out he dipped in the laundry basket and munched on a biscuit while mummy and papa got ready.
Papa made a beeline for the barbecue kit and started getting things ready while Georgie helped out.
Georgie’s two cousins may be older than him -Angelo is 4, Mia is 3- but he loves being around them and especially enjoys pushing Mia’s baby around the garden. Mia does not enjoy this.
Holidays should always be accompanied by a camera. Friends and family you don’t get to see often never mind take a picture with are there. I love this picture of Georgie with my grandparents. Love you giagia and pappou. Above is Georgie with HIS pappou.
One reason I love where my parents live and know Georgie will too is because of the little surprises you stumble upon more often than not…
…meanwhile the barbecue was moving along…
…Mia decided to give us a swirl…
…and Georgie and I had fun with some sparklers…Soon after we had a feast! Unfortunately there aren’t any pictures of said feast as Georgie had to take his nap and mummy willingly accompanied him. An hour later, the weather was disappointing but we weren’t about to abandon our Easter egg hunt so the games commenced.
Technically it wasn’t georgie’s first Easter but it was definitely the first Easter I realized just how much more fun our lives are about to get raising this little dude!