style and beauty

Helping your teenage daughter find her style

Having a teenage daughter is such a beautiful and challenging experience at the same time. As she grows, she will try to figure out who she is and where her place in the world is as a young woman. And as you can remember from being a teenager yourself, it is a roller coaster of emotions and self-discovery, where every choice—be it in fashion or friendships feels huge. You, as her mom, play the most important role in helping her feel confident, comfortable, and true to herself. And as she grows and changes, her style will, too. So, here is how you can help her.

Start with a Conversation

Talk to her and ask what kinds of fashion styles she likes. Really listen to her response and understand why she likes the specific style. What is her favourite outfit? This is more than just a chat about clothes; you are creating a platform for her to share with you how she sees herself. It is important to also share your own experiences with fashion from when you were her age. And when you do, it helps build trust and understanding.

Encourage Her to Experiment

Your teenage years are all about trying new things, and fashion is no exception to this. So, try to encourage her to experiment with different styles, like teenage dresses, to see what she likes. And the next time you go shopping together, let her pick out a few items that are outside of her usual choices. Maybe she’s always stuck to jeans and tees, but is curious about skirts or dresses. She could even be interested in bold patterns or unique accessories. She needs to know you encourage her to try new things without judgement, and she might just surprise herself with what she ends up loving.


If she doesn’t know where to start, maybe she can have a look at fashion magazines or social media for inspiration. She might even enjoy mixing and matching different styles to create something entirely her own. Because when she does, she’s finding her unique voice.

Teach Her the Basics

Yes, it is important to give her space to explore, but teaching her some fashion basics can be incredibly helpful. Now, this is not about telling her what to wear but rather giving her the tools to build a versatile wardrobe.

You could start with the basics, like a good pair of jeans, a classic jacket, and a basic dress, which are great options. These are things that can be mixed and matched to create different styles for different occasions.

You could also teach her the value of quality over quantity, where it is better to have a few well-made pieces that she loves and wears often than a closet full of items that might not last.

Support Her Choices

As she starts to experiment, there are definitely going to be moments when her style clashes with yours, and that’s okay. Did you and your mother agree? Just support her decisions, even if you don’t love every outfit she puts together. She needs to learn to express herself and not who you want her to be. However, there are going to be times when her choices aren’t quite appropriate for certain occasions, so it is okay to gently guide her without being too critical.

Celebrate Her Style

Compliment her when she tries something new or puts together an outfit that she loves because your positive reinforcement will boost her confidence and encourage her to keep exploring. As a mom, you are helping her build a strong sense of self that will last long after her teenage years. And in doing so, you’re creating memories and bonds that will endure because you’ve supported her in becoming the woman she’s meant to be.



This is a contributed post. 


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