
How to build resilience when going through a hard time

If you are going through a hard time then one of the best things you can do is use this time to try and build resilience. While everyone reacts to stressful situations in different ways, a lot of people try to protect themselves by refusing to deal with what is happening. If you are in denial that you are experiencing a crisis, then you may kid yourself that you have some sense of control over the events that are happening just to make yourself feel better. This can be a bad thing to do. Even if it’s good in the short term, it can have long-term effects, and it will stop you from dealing with the hardship you’re dealing with.

Accept your Situation

If possible you need to learn to accept the situation. Change is a part of life at the end of the day and some things are out of your control. You can’t control the pace of social change nor can you change things like the economy. If you try then you’ll just end up feeling both anxious and drained. On the other hand, if you can try to accept your situation and if you can free up energy to devote to the things that you love then this will help you quite a lot. You may even find that you end up feeling better within yourself and that you can look forward to a much brighter future. Although going through tough times can be hard, for example,  if you have a loved one who has a life-threatening illness or if someone close to you has passed then this can take a long time to come to terms with. You can help yourself however by working with a funeral home, and by relying on those close to you for support. Little things like this can be of great help, so try and keep that in mind.


Accept Feelings

It can be very tempting for you to think that the best way for you to work through a tough time is for you to ignore your painful emotions and for you to choose to ignore them. This isn’t the case at all. Trying to prevent your emotions from surfacing will fuel your stress and it will also delay the acceptance of your situation as a whole. It may also stop you from being able to move on, which is the last thing you want. If you allow yourself to experience those intense feelings and if you can come to terms with them then this will help you to build way more resilience as a whole.



You also have to make sure that you grieve your losses. Undergoing any kind of tough time usually involves you experiencing some kind of loss. Whether you have lost a loved one or whether you have lost your job, you have to make sure that you are giving yourself the chance to come to terms with things.  If you don’t, you won’t be able to be more resilient, as you are yet to deal with it.


This is a contributed post. 

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