Sunday started out as a lovely sunny day. Georgie was in his blue jean dungarees, mummy was wearing a long black flowy dress while papa was in sneakers and a t-shirt.We had lunch then headed to the park where we were having a super fun time until…
Georgie slammed his head into the rocky ground. i can’t tell you what happened in the next few seconds because i honestly can’t remember. All i remember is seeing blood pouring down his face into his eyes and the wet wipe I had pulled out of my bag, before SEEING the blood, painted red! We’re going to the hospital, was apparently the first thing i said before rushing across the park, black flowy dress blazing. i didn’t care who was there, who was looking, where my bag was or my mobile phone. i always wondered about those kind of things when watching a movie. i mean, something happens and the next thing you know, fancy clothes are being torn, cars are being torched and basically everything we seem to bloody depend on is now useless and disposed of.
anyhow, i knew it wasn’t that bad when five minutes later Georgie was climbing up behind papa who was repeating over and over again it’s ok it’s ok while skipping red lights and completely ignoring the existence of the word stop! Doctors said he might need a stitch, a statement that was laughed off by both mummy and daddy. No way! You are not threading a needle through my child’s forehead…if it isn’t absolutely necessary anyway. It wasn’t so we were sent home with a bunch of plasters and a prescription for a really good cream that heals scars.
Scar? Didn’t even think about it! Well it’s ok, the doctor said- he’s a boy. it doesn’t matter if he’s not perfect. WHAT? Well thank God you’re a boy Georgie because God know’s what his was prepared to do had you been a girl.
Keep calm and carry on mummy…