
Money milestones that prove you’re doing something right

How do you feel about your finances? Maybe they’re something you don’t think about too much, or maybe you can never get your mind off of them. Either way, your finances are a big part of your adult life, and it’s time to emphasise that. And now that you’ve got a degree, and feel like you’re on your way to bigger and better things, you’re definitely going to need to focus on your finances! So let’s make sure your progress in life is reflected in your bank account with the milestones we’ve listed below. Feel free to check them off as you go! 


You’ve Got Substantial Savings

No matter what age bracket you’re in, whether you’re in your 20s or your 30s or your 40s, if you’ve got something in the bank that’s slowly gaining interest overtime, you deserve to be proud of yourself. 

By the time you’re 20, being able to put about a 1/5th of your paycheck away each time you’re paid is an excellent start. And when you reach your 30s, being able to see close to a full year’s salary in there is a real mark of honour when it comes to finance management! 


You’re Paying Things Off Steadily 

We all have a bit of credit card debt to lift, don’t we? We’ve loaded a couple of non essential items onto the card and we’re happy to pay them off before they’re due – it’s one of the best ways to build a good credit score after all! And when you’re in a position like this, especially if you’ve been needing to look into debt consolidation before now, you’re in a great position with your finances. 

When you’re paying things off steadily, you’re living comfortably, and you’re doing the world of good for your chances in the employment world too! So if you’re currently looking for a new job, this could push you ahead of the competition, and finally proves to the professional world at large that you’re capable of handling your finances. 


You’re Tracking Your Spending

And finally, if you’re tracking your spending on a regular basis, you couldn’t possibly go wrong with your finances. It’s a good way to boost your financial awareness, and get a handle on your finances overall, and that puts you in very good stead for the future. 

So if you’re currently feeling bad about the money in the bank, get started on a money tracker app or a diary of your own. Make sure you know your average spending amounts, and what is too much for your monthly budget – and be sure to keep a lookout for when you’ve got a bit of leeway too. It might just mean you’ve got a cause to celebrate! 

There are many money milestones out there to look out for, and depending on your age, they’ll prove just how well you’re doing with your finances at the moment. Don’t let money worry take you over – you’ve got this down! 



This is a contributed post.

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