Food, Motherhood

Mornings with a toddler and a baby

James will be two in a couple of weeks. Which means we’ll be right smack bang in the middle of toddlerhood and the terrible twos stage hopefully coming out the other end unscathed and unscarred. Soon. Days with this little dude are anything but boring as you can imagine if you live or have ever lived with a toddler. He runs on an endless amount of energy, rarely sleeping throughout the day except for a quick nap in the car while I do the school run. But man, the boy can eat! Before the clock hits midday he’s already asked for two snacks and another bowl of cornflakes.

Over the last month the two little kids and I have nailed down a routine. Sort of. I take Danny downstairs first and settle him in the playpen. I get the pump running and the sterilised bottle ready to go and then dash upstairs to grab James. After a quick nappy change he happily plays with his little toy cars while I prepare his breakfast. Right now his favourite thing to do is take every single little car out of the basket and put them on the coffee table. And then throw them all on the floor and run around laughing.

He also insists on having at least one toy car next to his plate while eating which I think is so cute. Lately he’s also been bathing with two or three at the same time and going to bed with them.

Breakfast has become more fun since we received the cutest little dinnerware set by NAVA. It’s made from 100% biodegradable bamboo, is FDA approved and suitable for dishwashers! James loves the bee design – you can find it in a range of other designs too- making him super excited to grab the bowl or plate out of the cupboard every morning and ‘help’ me prepare his breakfast.

So right now James’s favourite breakfast options include:

  • Croissant with strawberry jam and fresh strawberries.
  • Cheerios with almond milk. Sometimes I mix in bran flakes and raisins too.
  • Toast with peanut butter and bananas.
  • Two cold boiled eggs.
  • Scrambled eggs with avocado.

Although some planning ahead is required with a few of these options I find them to be the easiest and healthiest I can think of and actually carry out at this moment in life when sleep is limited and patience even more so.

Between pumping milk, settling James into his highchair with some breakfast, preparing a pot of coffee for myself and then getting Danny down for his morning nap, I forget to even breathe sometimes. But thankfully I am learning to be kinder to myself and let some things go. Like picking up tiny little cars and putting them back in the basket. Five times a day.


If you like the NAVA bamboo dinnerware set, it is now available from Be Natural with a special discount. From 14.90 euros you can get yours for 11.90 euros until the end of next week. 


Be Natural: 44 Larnacos Avenue, Aglantzia, Nicosia / Tel: 22-330225


This post is sponsored by Be Natural, a local health food store our family loves and supports. As always, all opinions are my own. 


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