Need I say ANYTHING!
We are experiencing some weird weather conditions. It rained today. I think we’re nearing a tropical climate more and more every year.
My really good friend Ilia was on TV this morning demonstrating her ridiculously perfect makeup skills. Woohoo!
Georgie playing with his cousin in their new paddling pool.
A beautiful breezy day at the beach where we also had some good old fashioned fish and chips with tons of vinegar! Devoured it in a second so no pics. Oops.
Yiayia and pappou.
Pick n’ Mix. Not really my idea of good fun unless chocolate is involved.
Awesome birthday card.
Homemade bolognese.
Georgie in my dad’s MG.
Mia and Oliver.
Enjoy your weekend. I’m off to pack……..something is brewing…x
odd ends