There is so much catching up to do on this little blog of mine. Shall we start with the weather? It’s been lovely and extremely wet these past few days. However, that subsequently meant that once Georgie was down for the evening I would make a little excuse about the rain, curl up in bed and watch The Walking Dead instead. Excellent tV show, by the way. I desperately wanted to take the 5 second walk to my mum’s where i can use the internet -because we still do not have a connection at the house- but zombies can be highly addictive, you know.
We visit papa and Georgie’s grandparents at their workplace regularly and Georgie always ends up on the forklift with his pappou. However, over this past week he has taken this activity to another level. His face is dead serious as he turns the steering wheel and looks straight ahead. He really thinks he is driving it! It’s hilarious to watch.
Little dude has also become an expert on taking pictures with my iPhone. This is his very first of me! Changing his nappy.
By far the highlight of our week was the birth of this little lady. Her mama is one of my besties. So proud of you agapi. xxx