As I’ve mentioned before here on the blog, my figure ballooned when I was pregnant with Georgie. My weight and the excess of it just got out of hand and even though I tried my best, I only managed to exercise for the first six months. Not that the type of exercise I enjoy is the type that burns calories because it doesn’t really. It burns off inches though and I appreciate that too. Stott Pilates is something I started doing in 2009. I took a year off after Georgie was born and as soon as I was able to leave him with my parents for an hour twice a week, I went straight back. I love what Stott Pilates does to my body, the strength I have gained and the fact that it has done wonders for my posture.
I took my camera with me to class this morning and our instructor took a few shots of our little morning group doing the circuit. As you can see there’s more to Pilates and Stott Pilates than just lying on the floor, breathing. We do that too but we like to mix it up. You can read about the difference between Pilates and Stott Pilates here.
Photos by Iacovos Alexandrou, Stott PIlates instructor at Pilates4U