I am extremely proud to be one of those daughters who thinks her daddy is the best in the world. Our bond runs deep, doesn’t it? It hasn’t always been smooth sailing though. Remember my many many late nights and ridiculous crazy fashion choices? What about the piercings and smoking? Nothing was really that unusual about my behavior growing up; I was merely a rebellious one. For the life of me I could never understand the insistence on table manners or putting the lid back on the coffee pot, or taking my coat and shoes off as soon as I get home. But guess what? Now I do. I see the tiny important things you have taught me in my everyday life now as a mother and I hope that I will be able to give Georgie the same strong foundation. And our love of music! I am more like you than you will ever know! I love you, daddy. xxx
Last night, we ordered in but I was in the mood to make dessert so I whipped up some strawberry tarts – technically i didn’t bake anything. The tart cases were ready. Oops. I did make the custard from scratch and the strawberries were organic so all eight tarts were scrumptious.
I saved one for Georgie because he hasn’t tasted the sweetness that is custard yet- I know! Ridiculous, right? Picture taken with brand spanking new iPad! For some bizarre reason, he took the strawberries off before giving it a go. He then of course devoured the berries and waved his hands around for more.
Sunday marked Georgie’s first time at the zoo…and therefore our first time at a zoo as parents! It was such a fun day spent with friends and feeding a giraffe. I’ve seen one up close before but I forget how beautiful these animals are. Truly astonishing. I actually think all the adults were giddier than the kids. The Pafos Zoo used to be just a bird park. Definitely worth the visit but as a zoo it is a must-see. I will admit I am torn at the idea of zoos and keeping animals caged up. They always look miserable. But my feelings don’t run as strong as they do about feckin circuses! Such cruelty! Anyhoo, here, you get the chance to see all sorts of furry, feathered friends. And some not. If I had to pick a low of the day it would be the heat! Seriously! Despite applying to myself and Georgie a whole tube of sunscreen, I still got red sore shoulders. Thinking of it now though, I must admit I enjoyed the walking and sweating. It meant I was burning off some serious pizza calories. So before you get to see any big cats, there’s a cute little traditional Cyprus house set up complete with cooking utensils and chickens and rabbits in the front yard! The highlight of my day was, without a doubt, the moment Georgie reached out and fed the giraffe a leaf. I melted.
Have a super great fabulous weekend!xxx
Since I became pregnant I’ve been keeping a diary. For Georgie. I don’t know why but a couple of months after I found out I was pregnant and when we knew it was a boy, I suddenly felt the urge to ‘talk’ to him. I felt I had things to say. Even if it is just mentioning a doctor’s appointment or a film I have watched, every few weeks I open this little leather pad and ‘talk’ to my baby. Everytime, I imagine him reading it and asking me to fill him in on the details of events I have written about. It’s funny to think how far away that time is but it wasn’t that long ago that I bought this little leather pad and sat down to write the first time.