I just realized that this single picture more or less sums up Amsterdam. Beautiful but also mysterious and perhaps naughty yet most definitely positive. I don’t know how i got all that from this single shot but anyway. My point is that this European city grabbed me. Something in the air made you feel positive, put a smile on your face, dared you to rethink your routine- i’m referring to the bicycle situation. I knew people used bicycles more than cars but I have never and probably won’t every again see that many bicycles rounded up in one place. I couldn’t give you a number but you get the idea. Tulips weren’t in season but we got our fair share of wooden ones. Cheese was definitely on the list of goodies to bring back. I’d give anything to live on one of these streets, in one of these houses. My two must-do’s: Visit Christmas Palace! And take a boat ride. If only to see the stunning boat houses and bridges. We even broadened our knowledge… Last but by no means least, pancakes. Hope to be back soon. x
When Georgie started eating healthier snacks, I felt a huge weight was lifted. I have always tried to give him the best, which, to me, means homemade and organic. Yet some days I feel all he’s eaten is biscuits, cornflakes and bread. But when I started taking pictures of products I use on a daily basis, I gave myself a pat on the back. Here are a couple taken through Instagram. Berry yoghurt. He absolutely loves tomatoes and cheese. My little dude tried some hummus for the first time and just wouldn’t stop. I’m not a huge fan hence begin so late introducing him to it. At least he’s eating, I tell myself…x
Need I say ANYTHING! We are experiencing some weird weather conditions. It rained today. I think we’re nearing a tropical climate more and more every year. My really good friend Ilia was on TV this morning demonstrating her ridiculously perfect makeup skills. Woohoo! Georgie playing with his cousin in their new paddling pool. A beautiful breezy day at the beach where we also had some good old fashioned fish and chips with tons of vinegar! Devoured it in a second so no pics. Oops. Yiayia and pappou. Pick n’ Mix. Not really my idea of good fun unless chocolate is involved. Awesome birthday card. Homemade bolognese. Georgie in my dad’s MG. Mia and Oliver. Enjoy your weekend. I’m off to pack……..something is brewing…x
There seemed to be a light breeze in the air today which meant that Georgie could play outside. I grabbed some awesome lunch from Get Fresh and headed to the park. There wasn’t a soul around. Georgie had the playground all to himself.
Today I realized that being at the park surrounded by trees, dirt, sticks and stones is the only place where he really enjoys himself and doesn’t ‘need’ me. At some point, he was sitting in the same position for at least five minutes…A book or a magazine may have come in handy. He NEVER sits still for one minute, let alone five! I guess it’s nature’s effect. Picked up this shopping bag yesterday and already it has made my life easier. Overall, a beautiful day.
When papa called on Friday afternoon to tell me we were spending the weekend by the beach, I swear i did a little dance. Georgie was off to his grandmother’s for the night so that gave me plenty of time to pack for me and a busy 16-month old. I change him on average twice a day and that’s not including his pajamas. So the point was not to not overdo it with the packing…but then again, we’ll be at the beach, I thought to myself, which means he’ll be needing at least two shirts for each day… Next, snacks! And nappies for the water! Anyway, I like to think I didn’t take that much for one night.